Thursday, November 29, 2007

Help with Clean Energy Bills in Harrisburg

Dear friend in faith,

As you may be aware, an important and urgently needed set of bills is under consideration in Harrisburg. Collectively known as The Energy Independence Strategy, this legislation would move Pennsylvania towards a cleaner energy future. A major benefit of this shift would be a serious reduction in global warming pollution from Pennsylvania. (Our state creates more global warming pollution than 105 developing countries combined. It's high time we act.) It's critical that the clean energy legislation gets enacted by the State Legislature before winter break. Your voice in this process can make the difference we need.

Aware that you have many demands on your time, especially at this time of year, I nevertheless ask for your help. We need to submit letters to the editor in papers large and small across the state to keep the energy issue front and center in Harrisburg. As you likely know, the opinion page is one of the most read pages of the newspaper, and it's certainly one your State Representative and his or her staff pay attention to regularly.

The Pa. Interfaith Climate Change Campaign is working closely with PennFuture on this project. If you can volunteer a few minutes to sign and send a letter to the editor of your local paper, please e-mail Heather Sage of PennFuture at or 412-258-6681 as soon as possible. She has draft letters ready to go, and can walk you through the submission process. It's surprisingly easy.

Thank you for your interest in global warming,
Joy Bergey, Project Director
Pennsylvania Interfaith Climate Change Campaign

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